みゆ=理系 たか=文系

京産大 公募推薦  英語 文法演習+解説 適語選択

2015京産大 適語選択

2015京産大 適語選択




(1)He didn’t understand ( ) I was trying to say.
1.how 2.that 3.what 4.why
という和訳となるため、繋げるためには「こと」が必要となる。よって③のwhatが答えとなる。ちなみにI was trying to say something.であれば関係代名詞のthatが入る。

(2)After falling many times, I finally ( ) passing my driver’s test.
1.have succeeded for 2.succeeded in 3.succeed for 4.was succeeded in
succeed in…成功する、の意味のため①、③は不適切。④の受身は和訳が合わないので不適切。よって②が答えとなる。

(3)They ( ) when they woke up and saw one meter of snow on the ground.
1.had surprised 2.surprised 3.were surprised 4.were surprising
surprised…驚かされた の意味。彼らは驚いた、の和訳となるので、③の受身の形が正解。

(4)When I was young, I liked dancing a lot, but I don’t ( )
1.always 2.anymore 3.still 4.yet
but I don’t like it anymoreのようにlike it が省略されている

(5)I think Joseph will be late because I saw him ( ) for a bus when I was cycling here.
1.to wait 2.waited 3.waiting 4.was waiting
③ see 人~ing 人が~している(瞬間を)見る

(6)We decided to see a movie instead of going for a walk ( ) the weather.
1.as 2.because of 3.by 4.since
② because of~…のせいで(悪い内容で遣う)

(7)Japanese people are ( ) to living in a society with efficient public transportation.
1.gettting 2.happy 3.used 4.willing
③be used to ing… ~することに慣れている。

(8)Unless you come to class on time next week, you ( ) the course.
1.can’t have passed 2.coudn’t pass 3.won’t pass 4.wouldn’t pass
next week とあるので過去形になっている①と②と④は不適切。won’t=will not となるので③が正解。

(9)I would have bought you a ticket if I ( ) that you wanted to go to the concert.
1.had known 2.know 3.was knowing 4.would have known
仮定法過去完了。if I had 過去分詞…I would have 過去分詞の形。よって①が正解。

(10)He gave a great presentation ( ) he was nervous.
1.as though 2.despite 3.even 4.even though
たとえ~でも…even though/even if

(11)Which of the two dresses do you think is ( )?
1.most pretty 2.prettier 3.the more prettiest 4.the most prettiest

(12)Let’s choose another restaurant. I don’t like ( ) the Italian or the Chinese one that we went to recently.
1.any 2.both 3.either 4.neither
not either A or B=neighter A nor B AもBも両方とも~でない。

(13)Ken’s dog died of cancer, which ( ) the cause of this disease.
1.he studied 2.made him study 3.made him to study 4.studied
使役動詞make 人 study…人に~させる

(14)Wait a minute. I have something ( ) to you.
1.talking 2.telling 3.to say 4.to speak
ポイント①動名詞か不定詞か?の区別 have somethingに続くので不定詞
ポイント②say と speakの区別「何か言うべきことがある」の言うはsay
speak toは人に「話しかける」の意味

(15)( ) the economy improves or not is one of the most important issues for our country.
1.Either 2.How 3.That 4.Whether
( ) the economy improves or notまでの部分が長い主語になっている
Whether or not ~が正解。1のeither A or Bは二者択一の選択になるので不可
2のHowはor notがなければ意味は通るが、この問題では不可
