みゆ=理系 たか=文系

京産大 公募推薦  英語 文法演習+解説 適語選択②

2017京産大 公募推薦 適語選択

2017京産大 公募推薦 適語選択




(1)Not only ( ) visit the famous temple, but we experienced a tea ceremony there.
1.did we 2.we do 3.were we 4.we will
倒置の文であるから動詞+主語の順番になる。visit は一般動詞のため①が正解となる。

(2)( ) you should do now is have a good rest.
1.Anything 2.If 3.What 4.Whichever

(3)The company's generous support ( ) me to win a gold medal in the Olympics.
1.enable 2.enable for 3.made it possible for 4.made possible
主語「The company's generous support」が3単なので①②は×
make it possible for 人 to =人が~できるようにする

(4)No one ( )at the news.
1.has seemed surprise 2.seemed surprised 3.seems surprise 4.seem surprised
seem + 形容詞で形容詞のように思える。よって②か③となる。③のsurpriseは動詞のため不正解。No oneは単数扱いのため④は3単のsがないので不可。正解は②

(5)During the summer vacation, she read twice ( ) books as I did.
1.a lot 2.as many 3.as much 4.more
序数+as many 複数名詞 as ~の…倍の~の意味より②が正解となる。

(6)It is very ( ) you to give us such helpful advice about our new product.
1.kind for 2.kind of 3.nice at 4.nice to
It is 形容詞 for 人 to / It is 形容詞 of 人 to の区別
人の性質を表す形容詞kindの場合はof であるので②が正解となる。

(7)My wallet ( ) when I was out of my office for a while.
1.has stolen 2.steals 3.stole 4.was stolen

(8)I am not sure what time ( ) on Sundays.
1.did the first bus depart 2.does the first bus depart 3.the first bus departs 4.the first bus has departed

(9)She ( ) washing the dishes when her mother got home from the supermarket.
1.hadn't finished 2.hasn't finished 3.is finished 4.will finish

(10)The book ( ) by a popular musician sold more than half a million copies.
1.was written 2.writes 3.writing 4.written

(11)Our boss ( )take the initiative in this challenging project.
1.asking us 2.might like us to 3.tell us to 4.wanted us

(12)Our class ( ) twenty boys and thirteen girls.
1.are composed with 2.is composed of 3.will compose 4.would have composed
主語がOur class(=単数)なので1は×
正解は②be composed of A… Aで構成されている。

(13)Anne says that people are interested in artificial intelligence. So ( ).
1.am I 2.have they 3.she has 4.we were
前文がpeople are・・・となっているので、正解は①
Tom speaks French and so does Lisa. リサもそう(=仏語を話す)です。
Susan is a very kind girl. So she is. その通りです。

(14)Hiroki told me that one of his brothers ( ) study physics at university.
1.are able to 2.is going for 3.was planning to 4.would be thinking of
one of his brothersは彼の兄弟の一人となるため単数扱い。よって①は不正解。
間接話法の時制の一致により前文がHe told me・・・と過去形なのでthat以下も過去形にそろえる。また(   )の後ろが動詞の原形なので正解は③

(15)It is ( )make a reservation before you use this laboratory.
1.essentially that 2.essentially to 3.essential that 4.essential to
( )の後ろに動詞がはいるので、①と③のessentially(=副詞)は不可。It is 形容詞 to Vより、形容詞である④が正解となる。
